Thursday, December 4, 2008

Leaf Videos

Anna B in the leaves...

She finds her stick...

More fun with stick, leaves & the monkey tree...

Just having fun later that evening...


Shaun here...For those who know where we live...saying "we have a lot of trees" is a tremendous understatement. With trees...comes leaves. I told Anna B one day that we were going to go play in the leaves...well that weekend, it rained (no leaves). The next weekend, we had plans (no leaves)...well she doesn't forget ANYTHING and kept reminding me...until finally the weather and our calendar agreed that it was time to play (or puh-laaaay as AB says) in the leaves...We had a blast and I ended up mulching the leaves into nothing (only to have more leaves cover up my yard this week). We took these the weekend before Thanksgiving. Enjoy!

My background on my work computer: I can't figure out how to get the pictures in the right order...but this (below) is the other stick ("friend") she found...Above is her "planting a tree" as she called it. Too cute.

We found a stick...and it was her favorite toy! She took it everywhere (including STILL inside our house...but now it has a pretty white ribbon on it). She would talk to her stick ("c'mon stick, let's go over here!", "hey stick, you want to play in the leaves?"). When it got too cold, we had to go inside (despite her wanting to play more...and more)...having the stick come with us just seemed right (or maybe I'm a pushover).

I took the blower & "shot" some leaves at Anna B...she LOVED it (trust me...this is a look of complete, 100% enjoyment...not terror).

Seriously, I know I'm biased...but is there a cuter kid out there???

Anna Beth calls this her "Monkey Tree". It's one of the few trees low enough for her to "climb". She likes to climb (read: sit) "up" the tree. She also loves to swing her limbs from this tree (video coming).