Thursday, July 3, 2008

Yay for an Update! Make sure that you scroll down because there are two updates on here. I am slowly trying to catch up. It is hard to get around to extra things when you are a mommy of TWO! Anna Beth and Tyler are just great! They are both the joy of our life!
Anna Beth gets a BIG GIRL BED!
She LOVES it. She has been such a good girl.
Not one bit of trouble yet. Hopefully it will stay that way!

These are some randoms of them together. I can see the love already! :)

June 7th was Anna Beth's second birthday. It is so hard to believe that she is two already. We had a fablous party at Papa and Noni's house. She is such a sweet and happy little girl. These have been the best two years of our lives!
These are the cakes that Aunt Mimi (Amy) made!

This is Tyler with Sharon......what a BIG boy!She loved all of her gifts...especially her basketbal goal!
Yummy Cake!